Sunday, January 31, 2010

Kelsey & Francis Wedding Party

Kelsey and Francis are getting married in Van Zandt, WA (outside Bellingham) on Dad's birthday (August 14). Here is the "Save the Date" announcement.

You can click on the image to enlarge it.

Want me to Post your News?

If you email to me your news at, I'll be glad to post it here for you.


Winston's Band

You can check out Winston's band "You can be a Wesley" on YouTube.

Click on the "Winston's Band" title above or copy/paste the url below into your browser.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Sugimotos move to Indiana

Happy New Year to everyone! It has been an exciting year for us already, as we relocated from North Carolina to Indiana for a teaching position at Indiana University Bloomington. We have fallen in love with the town; it already feels like home. [The picture was taken a few minutes after we arrived, after a long day of driving.] Anastasia was thrilled with the first snow--she kept trying to get out to play in it. Madeleine, on the other hand, preferred to watch from the warmth of the house. We keep our Picasa album fairly updated, so we encourage you to stay in touch with us there: We would also like to extend an invitation to visit us! We haven't gotten around to trying it all, but we here there is some great food in this town!